I consider myself a writer. Not really a good one. I don't do it for money. I don't do it for praise. I don't do it for judgment. I do it for myself and myself only. Have since I was about 13. It helps me figure stuff out... not to mention it's a great way to spend the time and feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.
With that said.
I came across a poetry website. I found it interesting. It's a large website with something like 20,000 members thus far. People come and go... posting their poems... getting feedback... leaving feedback on other writings. It seemed to be an excellent way to meet other poets (classically trained and not). Another creative outlet in such a serious world. I browsed around for a couple of hours before I tested the waters.
Beware of sharks.
I know I can be sensitive. Overly sometimes. I can be tender hearted just like you. I'm easily wounded at times. Nothing new. In this website, there is a place where the beginner poet can post their written word and expose their heart for some constructive, gentle and hopefully helpful criticism.
This was what I was looking forward to. I was NOT there in order to receive praise. I was NOT there in hopes that someone would say "You are the best poet since Poe!" I was NOT there to be secretly discovered and rushed into a book publishing contract which would sell millions and be in the Top 10 for a year straight. Got it?
I simply and humbly posted a poem in hopes to get some sort of feedback from these more established poets. People who I would assume would know how to help a gal out. The discussion board guidelines even said that beginners would receive "gentle" help. If someone feels they are more advanced, they are to post on the more advanced discussion board.
Got it? Gentle.
Apparently I need to work on my sensitivity. I poked a hole through my emotional wall and I popped out a poem. A poem - that I thought - was pretty good. I'm not one to ring my own bell. I'm not one to say that I'm The Top. I don't think I'm all that and a bag of chips, or donuts or chocolate or whatever your craving might be. When you are first presenting yourself, you tend to put out what you are most secure about. Right? If I have a date (this is a hypothetical comparison obviously), I'm not going to wear torn up sweat pants and not have showered. Get my point?
I do have to say that there were a couple of comments by various people who did like the poem. I hate to not give them air space. I like those people. They are the nice ones. I'm going to hang out with them more often. They like me. I adore people who like me.
I've had one S.O.B. that has stirred up trouble for me since I first hit "enter". I've checked out his own poetry. He's good. I don't understand the conflict between the two of us. I find him rude... but he does it in a pleasant way. It's like imagining someone saying to you, "You are so stupid and ugly", but with the most pleasant of voices.
Son of a...
He basically is saying that I have no rhythm and that my rhymes are forced. Like I said earlier in this rambling... I don't mind constructive criticism. I really REALLY don't. It's just his rudeness and attitude that has totally pissed me off.
I accidentally misspelled his name and he got mad. He said that he was hoping I wasn't being insulting to him. Whatever. I freakin misspelled his freakin name. Sheesh. Good grief.
There are other people who have posted some suggestions to make the poem better... and to that I'm very grateful. I think this is wonderful. I'll think more on what they suggest and I'll take them into high consideration.
But that one guy just needs to take his poetry and go home.
Ok, I feel better.
Not sure if I'll post another poem on there. Maybe I will. Depends. I don't like fighting with people... face to face OR on the www. The one funny thing is that I can't be rude back to him because I'll get booted from the site. Sucks. He's been around for a while, so I guess he can do whatever. So basically, I defended myself and put him in his place with the same "pleasant voice" attitude that he gave me.
I really just wanted him to bite my ass.