

I want long hugs.
The kind I don’t have to ask for.

I want transparency.
The kind that is natural and not out of guilt.

I want forgiveness.
The kind where something isn’t hung over my head for years and years.

I want to be touched.
The kind that is because you love me and not because you’re thinking of someone else.

I want to be accepted.
The kind that makes my weirdness more charming.

I want to be heard.
The kind that makes my over-explanation of my feelings not feel like they are a nuisance.

I want to feel safe.
The kind that makes me feel comfortable being my true self.

I want communication.
The kind where I don’t get one word descriptions of your feelings.

I want to feel trust.
The kind where you don’t hold secrets.

I want to feel strong.
The kind that you love about me and not think it’s against you.

I want to be celebrated.
The kind where I feel like I can accomplish anything with you by my side.

I want respect.
The kind where you don’t complain about me to your friends behind my back.

I want quiet time.
The kind where if I need some alone time that it’s not against you, but for me to recharge.

I want something real.
The kind where our relationship is about us and not about appearances.

I want to not be judged.
The kind where my 53 year old flawed body is cherished and desired.

I want to feel balanced.
The kind where we find a way for our strengths and weaknesses to exist in harmony.

I want to breathe.
The kind where our relationship isn’t always under a microscope and a struggle, but where we can simply exist and enjoy each other for who we are.

I want to be vulnerable.
The kind where an open conversation about how we both receive love is welcomed and where our egos or wounded pasts don’t get in the way of listening.

I want to be loved.
The kind of love where not only am I receiving all of these things, but also 100% wanting to give them.

Written by Rebecca Grace Snider