
Peep all you want. It's legal.


Everyone has a blog. You can get them for free or really, really cheap. Anyone can be important now. Even the little people like us.

I’ve been doing a lot of blog reading lately. I’ve pretty much been all over the world and back in search of the perfect blog. I plead guilty to the charges of peeping into other’s private lives for personal entertainment. Guilty of living vicariously through those I will never meet. I may have even read your blog. You never know.

It’s amazing what dirty laundry you people will air. You’ll talk about what/who you did last night, your pets, your children, your husbands, your girlfriends, your boyfriends, your husband’s boyfriend, death, illnesses, political issues, social issues… it’s all right there ready for us to read. And frankly… I L.O.V.E. it. Your curtains are wide open. Blinds are pulled up. Our legal binoculars positioned. We can peep all we want. It’s legal.

You people want us to look into your life and see what’s going on… juicy or not. It’s as if it is your own personal version of Reality TV. Your own 15 minutes of fame.

Hello. My name is Becca and I’m a blogger.

Ok fine, I’m guilty. I’ve been sucked into it as well. I’m out here right along with the rest of you people. And the crazy thing is… I like it.

I was a little late in the blogging game. In my first blogging attempt I was loyal and dedicated. I posted my views on life and even talked about my boring laundry. I talked about my relationships… the good ones and the hopeful ones. I talked about it all. And then… I stopped. I forgot to blog one day and then it turned into another bloggless day and then another. Before you know it, I had abandoned my millions of internet fans… okay, maybe just a few. Ok, one. Just one fan. Are you happy? Just one.

I thought about the ole' blog fondly. I even went to it and looked at it. Re-read my entries and self-servingly chuckled at my own witty ways of wording. Thought to myself, “I really ought to start this thing back up” - only to then click the red “X” at the top right corner of the opened window. I have to admit, there was a certain amount of guilt. I had taken the time to make my blog look pretty by choosing the right colors and formatting. I had taken care of it as if it was tangible, but then I just packed up and left. Moved out with no “good bye” note or “Dear John” letter. That was until . . .

I can’t help it. It's his fault.

It all started with an email from a long time friend of mine. He was diving into his own blogging pool just as I had only a few months earlier. An email with hopes in rallying up an audience. This stirred something inside me. A blog renewal, if you will. I started to remember the good times we had. I thought to myself, “Maybe it will work this time. Maybe if I adjust my priorities, I’ll have more time for it.” I hesitated, but eventually clicked on his emailed blog link. There it was: His Blog. My addiction developed again and soon there was a new blog in town. Not the old one. A new one with new stories of my boring life.

So here I am. Here you are. My imaginary audience who have been there with me since the beginning. God bless your loyalty. I want to thank you for keeping my exposure minimal and not spreading the word too fast. You know, I hate to get too famous too quick. I'd hate to bring the site's server down due to overwhelming traffic to my blog. I also don't think I could handle the paparazzi. Being put on the Forbes Top 100 Blogs list might just send me over that emotional cliff. The pressure of forced daily creativity might just prove too much for me.

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