
I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what constitutes being an adult. Being a woman versus being a girl. It’s not someone’s age, I can tell you that. It’s something way more profound, complex and indefinable. There’s no universal check list. There’s no official “Society of Women” where all females need to register for membership before they can consider themselves a true woman. It’s not noted on my driver’s license. In fact, it just says “F” for female which leaves the question of my maturity up for debate.

And what confuses the issue even more… it can change from moment to moment. I’m a woman when I pay the bills, when I make right choices, or when I spray sexy perfume on my neck. I’m a girl when I micro-zap a frozen pizza, stay up later than I should, or when I have my mom take care of me when I’m sick.

I’m a girl when I have a crush… the butterflies, the nervousness, the wonder, the daydreaming, the what if’s. The feeling I’ve taken a stupid pill with every uttered word. I’m a woman when I’m in love… when I kiss, when I touch, when I sacrifice. The feeling of contentment and being accepted by him.

A woman answers hard questions and a girl says “I dunno.” I’ve been both. A woman handles responsibility with dignity and a girl avoids it while wishing it away. I’ve done both.

A woman knows her faults due to experiences and self analyzing. A girl thinks she’s just cute and that she can get by with anything. I’ve been both. Today.

A woman saves her money. A girl throws money into wishing wells and dreams.

A woman knows how to stand on her feet. She has no fear and takes on challenges. A girl wants nothing more than to just be loved and protected… to be held tight until all the scary monsters slither away. A woman doesn’t need to be saved. A girl depends on it.

I'm all these things. And more.

Maybe all of this is just what the word “female” means. Maybe my driver’s license had it right from the beginning. Maybe it’s an equal balance of woman and girl that makes a woman truly a woman.

I just love discovering the answer to my own question.

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