
Milli Vanilli blamed it on the rain.

I blamed it on the writer’s strike.

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. It’s been a while since I’ve felt the need to express my thoughts. Well, that’s a lie. I’ve actually had many moments of overwhelming desire to sit down and tell all. To let it all out without care or censorship. But the truth is… I needed a break.

I received many emails asking about my silence. It was a convenience to blame it on the writer’s strike. No, I don’t belong to the Writer’s Guild. However, as an amateur writer, I did support their platform. Plus, it seemed like a good excuse. But that excuse is now old and unusable since we’ve all happily returned to our lazy television addiction. Even though I don’t watch The Bachelor, I am glad it aired for your entertainment.

My life in a nutshell. Ok, maybe two nutshells.

It’s been a year to the date that I purchased my new home. I can honestly say it has been the best decision I have ever made... although there haven’t been a whole lot of good decisions. Like the night I drank too many homemade kamikazes while attending a midnight bon fire in some rice fields in the middle of nowhere with people I didn’t know. But that’s another story for another time.

I love my house. I love everything about it. I love it’s potential and it’s location. I have my dream list of things I will do once I win the lottery. But until then, I will continue to slyly take advantage of my friends by using them for my better good. That’s what friends are for, right?

For those who ask or wonder, I’m still unable to catch and maintain a relationship. I realize this is no shocker to most of you. If you’ve read any of my blogs, you are very much aware that I’m just not all that lucky in love. I’ve gone against my victimized instinct and have ventured out into the dating world, but to no surprise none have worked out. Once again the fear of the inevitable rejection has caused me to crawl back under the “no way in hell” dating rock. Here I will stay until someone much stronger than I comes along and proves to me that it’s okay to trust again. Until then, overdosing in chocolate and staying in my pajamas all weekend will have to suffice.

I apologize for my non-blogging activity.

Since I’ve most likely lost my Blog Queen title, I will need to come up with a new marketing tactic. Maybe a few vacation give-a-ways or gas gift cards. Of course I can always sink down to the begging and pleading level. It may work since I have no pride or shame.

I hope you welcome me back into this blogging world. I cross my fingers and pray that I my writing rhythm and witty words will win you over with it’s honesty and candor.

- Just a crazy woman


western butterfly said...

There is nothing wrong with overdosing in chocolate and spending the weekend in your pajamas .... frankly, unless he's really good with his you-know-what, is there a man out there who can beat chocolate and pjs? I'm not so sure.

I have missed your blogs and thought perhaps I didn't know where to go to find them. Glad to have you back ...

Anonymous said...

"my writing rhythm and witty words will win you over with it’s honesty and candor."-- that really happened, though u'd ur finger-crossed!
& I'm trying to find out, which part of the world ur pressing the keys from, to understand u better.
glad to see u active for the 1st time in my, er.. internet-life? That sounds strange!

mannu said...

sure did miss reading your stuff.....u frankly dont need to bribe to be read[ how does one publicize on blogger anyway???]

Just a Crazy Woman said...

Ahhhh, what a wonderful welcome back. I thank you for your responses :)

Western Butterfly... now if I can only find a man who will also eat chocolate and wear pj's all weekend... that would be a match made in heaven for sure.

Anik, welcome to my blog. First time here, huh? And I'm proud to say I'm pressing my keys from Arkansas.

Mannu, glad I don't have to bribe you. It's a shame, too, since you're the name I pulled from the hat for the free vacation give-a-way. Thanks for saving me some money.

Anonymous said...

well of course we want you back, after all you are the one who introduced me to the whole thing. While you have been away chasing dragons, and Iranians and dentists, Kurt and I have filled our empty Becca spaces with jive from one another...I blame this solely on you

Just a Crazy Woman said...

Have you not realized by now that Kurt is evil? I thought you were smarter than this.

Anonymous said...

First of all, it's spelled "kamikazes". Sheesh!

The reason your dating life sucks is because you're comparing all of your potential victims....errrrrr, dates to me, and to be honest, I'm incomparable. You may as well profess your undying love for me and quit living in a state of denial.

Welcome back, my friend. Your voice has been missed, even if that twat, Queen David Whatsizname, The Spelling Impaired, doesn't think you're all that and a bag of chips.

Love ya, mean it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you too. Quit talking about me like I'm not here.

Well, at least you both think about me...

Just a Crazy Woman said...

Ok, you're right. It's spelled kamikazes. I changed it in the blog. Thank you oh wonderful one.

And you're right. I do compare all men to you... however probably not in the way you're thinking :) hahahaha

And as long as we are in a spelling war, you said in your last comment "Hey, you too."... should have been "Hey, you two." So there. Bite me.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you caught that. I saw it when I hit "Publish Your Comment", but I had no way to edit it.

And I'm sure I'm always favorably compared to the other guys...

mannu said...

SHIT!! r u tellin me i missed the gas gift cards.....but then anyway...till u win the lottery..u'd feel better hoarding all this stuff!

Anonymous said...

sigh, Kurt is such a fussy budget when it comes to spelling, I think perhaps it's his way to deal with the funny way he talks...I am smart, but gees everyone needsa to slip out of their betty boop footie jammies and hide the hagen daz once in awhile, what can a couple days hurt?? Then back he goes, back to the swamps and mosquitos and his mums...

Manda said...

Hey, girl. I wouldn't have known you left the blog world since I too cut out a while back. (I just happen to hit the 360 button on my messenger and saw your update.) It's actually been a nice release for me. I do miss the "good" people I used to chat with but nothing else.

I just bought a house again finally. Now I just need some more money for some minor updates. Glad you are loving yours.

Sorry about the dating thing. I'd switch with you right now in a heart beat, but that's not a story to air here..lol. I agree with what butterfly said!!

I'll bookmark this site and hope to see more from you. Take care.

Hi Kurt!

Anonymous said...

Hiya girl, hope you survived yoiur redneck outing the other night and didnt have to spend too much time fending off third cousins...

Anonymous said...

I havent checked out your page for some time. But as usual, I enjoyed reading your witty words. I always find myself smiling and letting out a little laugh.

I love your style of writing. I certainly didnt expect to see you have taken a break from blogging... I thought I might find that you had been hired by someone and spreading your humorous sarcasm throughout America by now!

Your writing should be your lottery jackpot someday. I believe in that!

BTW, I saw your clickable banner for freekibble.com and played. I also posted a banner on MySpace.

Another interesting place I found is www.zootoo.com. You can search for local shelters, vets, etc and write a review. They have a thing about ZooToo Angels for people who are nomitated for their volunteer efforts. Here is the page:

I just joined, so I dont know all the ins and outs but you or someone reading this might want to check it out.

Have a great weekend. Looking forward to the next blog!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Doody! I like what you have done with the space! I suspect we may have more in common than many, despite you being female are the sacred keeper of the pretzle logic?
I am a muscian, inveterite smart ass, and require brains, and the use thereof, by most really important friends! The others,..? Not so much! I am also a writer, mostly songs, Duh?! Also the off stranger than non fiction shit! I call myself a musepimp, just to keep me honest, otherwise I then to act like Zorcon, the space God's gift to the entire cosmos!
I am really tired so may not make much sense, but thought, what the hell? Likely as not hardly noticeable. I am also a native Texan, you know how "Those" Tejas Guitar Slingers are and too creative for my own good, that and just an ego maniac, Manic too! I am the master of run on sentances, and famous for the Cody, Or Joey ramble! Been around the block so many times there is, a miracle turned rut to prove it! I am a recovering drunken shit, and getting better, unless I'm not? Almost 20 years this December. Here is the link to my new Google group hastily cobbled together, To help launch my return to the only thing I do better than most? Also what I must do, otherwise I just get plain weird! Or weirder?


I tend to get my heart busted, mainly cuz I am too loyal, too romantic, and way picky! I go it alone by choice, not by necessity, although I have been aske to sign the anatomies of a few ladies, and I just look like a rockstar, which I almost was before I allowed booze and desperate choices fuck me up all linds of bad! I have told I should be a can't stand up for falling down comic. Hell I thought I already am, since I can ramble on for up to 15 minutes between songs, opting to prevaricate, with shit I make up, hear about, outright steal and flies into my head exactly one Goat Second before reason!

Most days Oh Shit is my motto!

I hate to type since most guitarists are spaz'es and Tards!

I am sure I am leaving something out that you might care about, but probably not, unless you agree, It's All About me?
I am kind of curious about you, since in my distorted perceptions, I think I am the equal of super smart, artistic and smart ass , not to mention females, with entirely too much time on their hands?!

Maybe later, maybe not?

Cody Joe,(Joey) Buxton

Anonymous said...

hey u,

i to have been away, needed some time to myself to ponder on life and its total misgivings, yes a pity party lol. i am glad to see u back, i love to read ur blogs. i also must admit i missed u and ur wit :o) once again, glad ur back pretty lady!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...I thought you were someone I used to know. Someone that was ALMOST as funny as me...Happy Birthday Becca!

Anonymous said...

woman!  wooommmaaan!  w-o-m-an.....hang in there. he is just around the corner.  maybe light years away, but still just around the corner...we have both had a break. no crime there. just dont go anywhere we cant find  you...you are the most creative person i kow that i dont really "know"...ya know?    xo   nita

astranavigo said...

I'm glad I found you again.

Link up, woman! I notice I'm on your blogroll. Some updates:



(And start writing some more!)

Anonymous said...

I am just here for the free gas cards..

astranavigo said...

You still around, hon????

Just a Crazy Woman said...

Hey Will :) I'm here! Just been really busy. Glad to see you're still around!!!