
The Next Level

Friendships are interesting to me.

I believe that we all have different levels of friendships. And I also believe that each level is important because it provides an avenue for friendships to grow. To deepen. To evolve. In my life there are four levels of friendships that equally play a part in balancing my life.

Basic level.

We all have the casual friendships. The people that we enjoy being around during social occasions. You laugh. You have fun. You say, “We really need to do lunch”, but you never do. It’s all surface, social interaction – which is important because sometimes you’ll meet someone that you soon allow into the second level...

Intermediate Level.

These are the people that you talk to often. You actually do lunch. Their number is in your cell phone. You call each other up for a movie or a late dinner. They tell you stories about their kids and you tell them stories about your pathetic love life. When they throw a party, you are automatically on the invite list. However, as often as you may see each other, it still remains a bit on the surface. There’s nothing wrong with surface. You need surface, because sometimes surface leads to the third level…

Advanced Level.

These are the people who have successfully passed the first two levels. They have proven a sense of loyalty to you. You now care about the fight they had with their spouse. You care that they are stressed at work. You just care more. You feel free to express your struggles, fears and concerns. You have great conversations and email each other often. They make your life fun and interesting. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, this type of friendship will elevate into the fourth level…

Lifetime Level.

These are the people that you know you will always have in your life. No matter what. These are more than friendships. They are relationships. They are what true, deep connections are made of. You understand each other. You have empathy for their problems. You feel excited for their triumphs. You genuinely feel that they are a part of you. They help define who you are. You may have differences in politics, religion, or social issues… but it doesn’t matter. You accept each other. This type of friendship gives you a feeling of freedom and acceptance. No matter how screwed up you really are or what stupid decision you just made or how incredibly lonely you really feel… they are there. They slap you when you need it. They hug you when you need it. They simply love you for you. And what an awesome feeling to be able to give that right back to them. To have someone that you can express love to freely. You would do absolutely anything for them. Sometimes life is good because of these relationships. Without them, there would be a void.

I have friendships on all of these levels.

I am lucky to be able to surround myself with witty, intelligent, sensitive, and amazing people. However, lately I’ve been affected more by the Lifetime Level. If these people are a reflection of me, then I’m doing pretty damn good. These people affect the core of who I am. They validate me. They give me a feeling of purpose. They provide me an emotional intimacy that I thrive off of.

There’s only a small handful in my last level. I like to keep things close and tight. I’m grateful for all of them, but there are two that have touched me the most this past week or so.

You know who you are and I just wanted to say “thank you”.

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