
Wallgreen's: Soap, Drugs, Lipstick & Career Advice?

I reluctantly stopped by Walgreen’s today after work to fill a prescription and get a few various things that I don’t need. The cashier was a young, whipper-snapper named "Aric" who not only didn't look a day over 20, but who also apparently didn’t know how to spell his own name. Below his name on his name tag it said “Certified Photo Specialist" in permanent lettering. As I was standing there next in line waiting on the lady in front of me to finish trying to convince young Aric that the toilet paper was on sale, I was thinking about this young man’s official title. If he was a “Certified Photo Specialist”, why was he about to scan my purchases? Did the regular cashier call in sick? Were they so busy they had to yank an employee from another department? I don’t ever see a pharmacist up there ringing up “designer” fragrances, vienna sausages, canned cat food and feminine products (yes, I do pay attention to what other people are buying). I mean, both Aric and the pharmacist are both certified in their special fields, right?

Which brought me to my next train of thought: What exactly IS a “Certified Photo Specialist” and what do they have to do to become certified? Or better yet, WHY do they have to be certified? Is it such a dangerous job that you have to be legally appointed to do it? I’m a graphic designer and I’ve never been specifically certified for my photo handling. I’ve never harmed myself or others during the scanning/designing/printing process. So, while I’m still waiting on the lady in front of me to finish up her transaction, I’m wondering what type of certification I’ve missed out on. Will this advance my career in any way?

I should have asked Aric his advice on my career options, but I was ready to get out of there. I’m sure he would have taken the time to counsel me. I mean, his WAS wearing a decorated uniform and all.

Funny thing: I just googled “Certified Photo Specialist” and found something written by a not-so-proud former “CPS” of Walgreen’s. He said that in order to be certified, you take lessons on customer service, taking orders and learning how to file machine repair requests. No lessons on photo copying, scanning, reproducing, tweaking, cropping, coloring, dpi… nothing.

Well, I find that very interesting.

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