
My Latest Soapbox

As everyone in the world knows by now, Madonna adopted a child from Malawi, Africa.

And we all know of this on-going conflict between her and the child’s biological father, but what has caught my attention is the ridiculing of Madonna for adopting a child from another country.

People are saying things like, “There are so many children right here in America that need to be adopted. How dare she go to a foreign country. We need to take care of our own first.”

I had a relatable conversation a few weeks ago.

About a month ago I learned that my cousin (on my dad’s side) and his wife are selling all of their belongings and moving to Lebanon. I don’t know exactly their plan, but it’s obviously to help the Lebanese people in some way.

A few weeks ago I was telling my uncle (on my mother’s side) about my cousin’s decision. He became very critical of my cousin’s choice. He didn’t understand why anyone would move to a foreign country when there’s plenty of help needed here.

Two different stories. Same complaint.

I have absolutely no desire to move to a foreign country to “help” anyone. Whether it is on a mission trip, to help an orphanage, to feed the poor, to sweep the streets…

It’s just not in my heart. It’s not something that I’m drawn to and I can’t relate to people, like my cousin, who are. However, I think it’s fine if he wants to go. Go. I respect him for following his passion – no matter how different it is than mine.

See, I believe, that it takes all kinds of people. All kinds of passions. All kinds of hearts. Everyone. If we all had the same passion, this world would have ended a long time ago.

There are people who desire a child from another country. Great! That’s one more hungry, sick child in this world that is saved. Have you read up on the plethora of Chinese girl babies being tossed away because of their one-child policy?

There are people who desire an American baby. Great! I say go for it. Of course, once you adopt a black baby then everyone will criticize you for not adopting a white one. There are plenty of American babies that need to be rescued.

Here’s my point: We all have different ideas of what needs to be done to make this world, and our lives, better. We need all these different ideas.

If you had an extra $1000 and were asked to give it to a charity… which one would you choose?

Make a Wish Foundation? Special Olympics? National Association for the Deaf? Ovarian Cancer Research Fund? Girl Scouts? National Parkinson Foundation? Humane Society? Your church’s food bank?

A friend of mine who recently was given a clean bill of health after a battle with stage four ovarian cancer, just very well might choose Ovarian Cancer Research. She might see the importance of this non profit organization. She might feel that donating to the Girl Scouts is a waste of money since they rob us each year via Thin Mints or (my most favorite) Tagalongs.

Personally, I would give my money to the Humane Society. Some people might not understand why I would donate money to help a dog instead of donating it to help a starving child. Sure, I could tell you my reasons, but they really don’t matter. Some people feel that helping humans is much more important. And I’m not going to argue with them... because they are wrong. And they’re right.

They are all important and not important.

My cousin’s thing might not be helping the homeless in his community. And that’s cool, because I’m sure there are other people in his community that do have that passion.

If you complain that Madonna adopted an African baby, then prove your point by adopting your very own American one. What… don’t want to? You don’t want to save the life of that poor American child that Madonna didn’t adopt?

Don’t worry. It’s not your thing. I understand. But it apparently is her thing.

Am I making any sense here? Am I just talking in circles?

I’m not sure about you, but I need all you people that have different ideas of what needs to be fixed or helped, because, frankly, I have no desire to do about 99% of it.

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